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December 13, 2022

7 Hotel Front Office Trends: Everything You Should Know

Published on December 13, 2022 by support

Front office technology has seen significant development in recent times. Driven in part by the rise of COVID- 19 but also by technological changes, these changes mean that moment’s frontal office is different from the traditional event office of history. In this blog, you’ll learn about significant developments in frontal-office technology and what they mean for your business.

Hotel Industry in a Nutshell

The hostel industry is a major part of the wider service industry sector. It’s an assiduity that looks after guests’ requirements that must be accommodated overnight or longer. Although the hostel industry is nearly linked to the wider hospitality and service diligence, there are significant differences in compass between them in terms of what they set out to give.

Front Office Technology, Office

Discovering Front Office Technology

Front Office Technology has seen significant development in recent times. The frontal office is a major department in any hostel, forming the main point of contact between the business and its guests. The frontal office has been nominated the “ face ” of the hostel for a good reason it’s generally the first department that any guest will come into contact with and the point at which they will form their first prints. Front office technology, thus, is monstrously important. 

Any technological advance or development that can facilitate a client’s experience and make life easier for busy staff will make a major difference to a hostel. In this blog, you’ll learn about the rearmost developments in frontal office technology and how they can profit your hostel.

You’ll learn how frontal office technology can save money, save time, make your guests happier and let your staff focus on the most important tasks. You’ll learn about the benefits of new technology and how you can apply it. You’ll find everything from mobile phone apps to smart sidekicks and digital keys to virtual concierges. As frontal office technology changes, staying up to date is important. 

However, if you don’t borrow the rearmost tech to ameliorate your frontal office, you can be sure that your challengers will. Read on to find out everything you need about front-office technology.

Why Is It Important to Follow Front Office Technology Trends?

Following frontal office technology trends is vital to furnishing a quality client experience and remaining competitive in the moment’s business. While fears are occasionally expressed that new technologies will outdo humans in the industry, this is a misconception. New frontal office technologies can free up human staff, handling time-consuming tasks so that the hostel labor force has further time to take care of guests ’ needs.

For illustration, staff may find themselves demanding to be down from the frontal office from time to time. A smartphone app allows them to be present as soon as a client needs backing. There’s far further to the frontal office than simply checking in guests. 

Front Office Technology, Hotel, Office

Automating introductory processes means that staff has further freedom to attend to guests and make their stay more pleasant, rather than having to devote time to rote tasks that are better handled by automated systems.

7 Front Office Technology Trends You Should Know About

They are some of the crucial frontal office technology trends that hostel possessors and directors should be apprehensive of.

  1. Cloud-Based Technology

Cloud-based technology has been a normal part of our lives for decades now. However, you’ve formerly used pall technology, If you’ve ever used web-grounded dispatch or train hosting services. Cloud-based systems are especially applicable to the hostel assiduity, where it’s important that staff aren’t tied to a specific terminal and where rapid-fire sharing of information is important. 

Cloud-based property management services( PMS) are likely to be decreasingly extensively espoused. Hence, results for the frontal office help hostel operations by allowing systems to be moved from a physical position to the internet.

As well as making operations more accessible, cloud-based results also make it much easier to keep up with the rearmost technology trends. Because pall services bear lower investment than copping redundant computers, moving hostel operations to the pall is largely cost-effective. Cloud-based services are scalable, meaning that hospices can acclimatize to oscillations in need of computer systems( for illustration, during high and low seasons). Software updates are handled by the service provider, reducing the workload for hostel staff.

Front Office Technology

  1. Self-Check-In Office Technology

Self-check-in technology was formerly getting more popular in recent times. The epidemic’s arrival turned it from a desirable upgrade into an essential bone. Guests now anticipate tone-check-in installations as a matter of course. Numerous hospices now use a check-in pavilion, an accessible one-stop installation that can read disbenefit and credit cards, take payments by card and occasionally cash, print bills, give crucial- cards, and handle other aspects of the check-in process.

Kiosks can also offer fresh services or upsells and inform guests of any add- ons they might want to buy. A good kiosk offers an easy-to-read menu, an intuitive user interface, and simple commands. In some cases, pavilion instruments can be configured with multiple language options, making life easier for guests from overseas. Kiosks can be sanitized between druggies, making them an accessible and safety-conscious option for hospices.

  1. Specialized Mobile Apps

Currently, we calculate on our smartphones for nearly every process or exertion. This has come to be included as a hostel trend, as well. As well as booking and paying for a hostel, guests can now use specialized apps to make their hostel stays more accessible and comfortable. 

While numerous guests enjoy the human touch of in-person relations, others are more withdrawn and prefer their sequestration. A specialized phone app can allow guests to check- in or out, open the hostel doors, pay for particulars in the minibar, order room service, pierce their hostel safe, or use guest-only installations.


A hostel app also allows guests to communicate with the front office and communicate with staff in real time without having to call down or leave the room. Payments can also be handled via the app, making life easier for the guest and furnishing fresh openings to increase profit for the hostel.

  1. Smart Mobile Keys

Mobile crucial technology has become popular with hospices, luxury domestic accommodations, and pavilions. This kind of technology is accessible for hospices and guests and boosts security for both the public and staff members. A mobile key, also called a digital key, can be used to unleash doors using a smartphone. It’s safe and accessible and removes the need for face-to-face commerce — a commodity that’s come more important during the epidemic.

Mobile keys greatly streamline the check-in process and remove the need to give physical keys( which can fluently come misplaced or damaged). As well as offering a cost-saving, reducing plastic waste from physical keys also improves sustainability. Mobile keys free up staff, allowing the frontal office labor force to devote further attention to guests ’ requirements. This can help make your property more welcoming and facilitate the client experience overall.

  1. Digital Concierge Technology

A virtual concierge or digital concierge uses artificial intelligence to give services to guests. frequently combined with mobile technology, a digital concierge can give all the information and backing that a human concierge would typically hand. A digital concierge can do effects like discovery and book caffs, shoot flowers to a particular room, help organize events, etc. It can also offer fresh support, like chancing flight information, giving updates on the rainfall, and helping guests find their way around the city.

Digital concierge services can be offered via a mobile phone app, the hostel’s website, or the in-room television. This software allows guests to check- in and out, shoot direct dispatches to hostel staff, and give other concierge services.

  1. Robotic Staff

Robots in the hostel assiduity are nothing new. In 2014, the sector was aboil with the appearance of a robot butler — an AI-powered device that would process orders from guests and deliver particulars to their apartments. The robot butler can bring food, potables, toiletries, and napkins to guests within about 15 twinkles of entering an order. While this invention was generally seen as a novelty, physical robotization is a real and decreasingly important point in numerous ultramodern hospices.

Maybe the most dramatic illustration is the Henn- na Hotel, a Japanese hostel boasting a staff that’s nearly entirely robotic. Robots serve animatronic dinosaurs and staff the event office, food, and apartments with a lovable egg-shaped robotic adjunct that responds to guests ’ voice commands. Of course, the staff is still on hand to attack jobs that the robots can’t relatively manage yet.

  1. AI and hostel Chatbots

Chatbots are a common point of daily life, from virtual sidekicks to AI language preceptors. Numerous websites offer chatbots to help callers find what they need. Ultramodern AI has come a long way since the days of Eliza and analogous fairly simple programs, with chatbots offering a decreasingly sophisticated and human-like experience. Integrating AI chatbots into your hostel’s client service can streamline dispatches, helping you give quality service regardless of staff vacuity.

Chatbots can handle inquiries from guests, give information, break problems, and generally make a guest’s stay more pleasant. Because voice recognition is now so advanced, guests can talk to an AI in a veritably natural way. 

As numerous people are used to using Alexa, Siri, and analogous technologies, chatbots are no longer daunting or confusing. Indeed guests who typically prefer to interact with hotel staff can be impeccably comfortable using an AI chatbot to deal with their requests.

Uncovering Hotel Housekeeping Technology

From software that keeps track of cleaning and caregiving schedules to physical robotization of drawing tasks, hostel cleaning technology is constantly changing and perfecting. Through robotization, housekeeping tasks can be streamlined and made more effective. In a time of increased perceptivity around hygiene and cleanliness, it’s no way more important to be at the top of your housekeeping game. Front office technology is continuously advancing and furnishing new ways for hospices to introduce and offer their guests the ultimate service. From robotics and artificial intelligence being acclimated to frontal office operations to new ways of communicating with guests via apps, there are multiple ways technology can facilitate hostel guests.



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