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Hotel Reservation

With PlistBooking OTA Connect’s hotel reservation software, you can automate your booking process, prevent double bookings, and increase client loyalty.


For 30 days, you can try it for free. There is no danger. You have the option to cancel at any time.

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Do you want to make your booking process more efficient?

With a few clicks, PlistBooking OTA Connect allows you to create or amend reservations and check guests in and out using our simple drag-and-drop calendar.

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Do you want to make your daily duties easier?

Automate manual activities like maintaining rooms, invoices, and guest communications to save up to 80% on admin.

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Do you want to cut down on multiple bookings?

PlistBooking OTA Connect instantly changes your rooms and rates across all platforms, whether you link to Booking.com, Airbnb, or Expedia.


PlistBooking OTA Connect is a cloud-based hotel reservation software that allows you to manage your hotel reservations, daily duties, and guests online.

You can log in and view all of your hotel bookings, guest information, channel manager, and more in one location, much like a Facebook account. The system manages all communication between your many features and may instantly update listings on online travel agencies.

A hotel reservation system will assist your property in realizing its full potential by saving time, reducing double reservations, improving guest communications, and increasing bookings.

Numerous benefits may or may not be relevant to your business objectives. A hotel reservation system can assist you with streamlining operations, increasing income, and improving the guest experience.

Add a booking engine to your website with ease, and begin accepting direct bookings from your website or Facebook page.

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