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Conference Rooms Fun Facts

April 6, 2021 by admin

Conference Rooms Fun Facts

Today, with the presence of various listing sites in Conference Rooms, selecting a venue is no longer a challenging step in organizing any event. Before you proceed in inviting guests and arranging other details, your first task is to secure a venue depending on the requirement of the event. But before anything else, these conference rooms fun facts are a must-read.

Long Table With Eiffel Chair Inside Room

What is the difference between meeting room and conference room?

Meetings can be called at any time, in any space available and are usually informal. A group of people getting together to discuss a subject, whereas a Conference is usually formal, will have an agenda and a programme of activities planned.

How do I set up a conference room?

  1. Choose the right conference room equipment. 
  2. Standardize the conference room technology and equipment. 
  3. Conference room must-haves and nice-to-haves. 
  4. Ensure Sufficient Network Bandwidth for the conference room. 
  5. Make the conference room technology easy to use.

How many conference rooms should an employee have?

The general rule of thumb is 1 conference room for every 10-20 employees. Find the ratio that works for the environment you’re creating.

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