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Property managers can use PlistBooking OTA Connect’s Analytics & Reporting to gain vital insight into their business.

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Customizable Reports

Built with years of experience and best practices from short-term rentals, vacation rentals, and hotels–our analytics and reporting tools are the most powerful in the industry.

If you’re curious about how your gross margin or occupancy rates stack up against industry standards, we’ve got the personnel and the resources to help!



For total control, detailed occupancy records are provided.

Revenue managers who want a granular picture of occupancy per property, area, or timeframe can customize occupancy reports.

This is a useful tool that enables you to forecast seasonal and event-based pricing changes and strategies and generate reports that provide insight into the demand for your specific properties.


While you sleep, adjust your rates based on supply and demand. With four integrated dynamic pricing tools, you can utilize multiple dynamic pricing sources for different properties.

Dynamic pricing algorithms can modify the price for each of your properties based on demand and supply and their exact location, size, and amenities to ensure you constantly optimize your gross profits.



Property owners appreciate detailed reports.

Automatically generate owner statements and deliver them to owners, allowing them to change totals and account for owner stays.

You’ll save hours on emails and phone calls for owners using this tool, and you’ll also please your accountant!


Formulas that can be changed and reports that can be printed indefinitely

Create specific formulas for your properties and easily compute gross and net margins and owner payouts.

It is the most potent weapon you have at your disposal. You can tailor your experience based on the sales channel, the property, the owner, and the area. You may also build dynamic reports that show you exactly what’s going on and which properties are the most profitable.



Formulas that can be changed and reports that can be printed indefinitely

Create specific formulas for your properties and easily compute gross and net margins and owner payouts.

It is the most potent weapon you have at your disposal. You can tailor your experience based on the sales channel, the property, the owner, and the area. You may also build dynamic reports that show you exactly what’s going on and which properties are the most profitable.

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